Frivolous Musings

Some thoughts on politics/lit/tech/life itself

Scraping Kevin Lewis

Kevin Lewis’ daily Findings blog at National Affairs is a great way to stay on top of social science news, presenting a daily themed collection of abstracts of recent papers. The site is free to read, but doesn’t offer an RSS feed, which is my preferred way to consume it. I decided to write a short Python script to scrape new posts into a local XML file.

The basic script I started with went to the author’s page, found the box with most recent posts, followed and scraped each link, encoded them as RSS (basically URL-encoding the HTML tags), added opening and closing RSS XML tags, and saved the file. In further iterations I added the ability to open the file if it exists, check if an item exists (and not scrape it), and cleaned up the code. Once I was happy with it, the last thing I wanted to add (for now!) was the ability to run it on the reg. The code is here.

My first instinct was to run crontab -e and set up a weekly run there. But I found that since my Macbook goes to sleep quite aggressively to save power, often the job wouldn’t be carried out. Turns out that macOS has a built in tool called launchd which is recommended over cron, and can also run after waking if it missed its cue.

To add it I created a file called ~/Library/LaunchAgents/update_lewis.plist, with the command arguments as outlined here. Then I called launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/update_lewis.plist (cancel with unload), and voilà!